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Bibles For Malawi Fundraiser!

Updated: Aug 6, 2023

We are incredibly honored and excited to be called by God to begin fundraising to supply 100 Bibles to a ministry in Malawi, Africa! God has connected us with Pastor Anthony, who has a calling on his heart to live out the Great Commission and travel to the impoverished areas around Malawi's capital city, Lilongwe, to preach God's Word and empower the communities into holistic missions. His hopes are for these missions to plant more Churches, grow disciples, and bring others to Christ Jesus. Due to economic and societal issues, Bibles are not readily available in this region.

"I founded this ministry, Bethel Worship Centre in 2014, while on a prayer drive south of Lilongwe the Capital city of Malawi. I was moved by the spiritual and social condition of the people living in poverty in the rural villages and also by the Word of God from Romans 12:12-13 and Matthew 28:18-20."

"My vision was that the World knows the heart of the Father Almighty God, where individuals and communities are transformed by the Word of God, the power of His Holy Spirit and the actions of His saints, to the glory of God and His Son man Christ Jesus."

-Pastor Anthony.

Pastor Anthony's ministry has 14 Bible study centers he travels to for people to hear God's Word. The number of active members in his congregation borders nearly 300, and many of these members do not have a Bible. They rely on his teaching to hear God's Word but can not study or grow on their own due to this need. The impact of providing Bibles does not just stop with these active members as his ministry looks after;

  • 246 Orphans

  • 103 Widows

  • 168 Elderly

  • 27 Disabled people

By having access to Bibles in his congregation, church members will be able to live out their God-given potential by evangelizing and discipling to those in their community. This fundraiser is seeking to land 100 Bibles in Pastor Anthony's hands for him to distribute to his people. The goal for this fundraiser is $2,000 for all Bibles to be purchased and shipped. When broken down, each Bible costs $20 to purchase and deliver. If the fundraiser exceeds the goal, we will purchase additional Bibles and ship them for future use in Pastor Anthony's growing congregation. To donate, please click here to access our Malawi fundraiser page directly. This page will provide a meter for donation percentage as well as details about the fundraiser.


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